Naturalists and lovers of bird watching will discover the presence of unique colonies of resident, migratory and overwintering bird species, which are uncommon on the European continent, in the wetlands that mark out the boundaries of the district of Elche.

The Nature Reserves of El Hondo, Las Salinas, Clot de Galvany, the coastal strip and the marshes and wetlands of Els Bassals play host, both permanently and transitorily, to populations of grey teals, white-headed ducks, Squacco herons, Imperial or purple herons, storks, Penduline tits, crested coots, marsh harriers, ospreys, flamingos, red ducks, scoopers, shoveller ducks, seagulls, water coots and moorhens, among others.
The Elche company Avanza Tour organizes ornithological nature trails both in the local district and outside it. El Hondo, Las Salinas, the Island of Tabarca and Clot de Galvany are the locations of choice.

Bird Watching Spain also conducts guided tours throughout the Spanish territory. One of its flagship packages is called Wetlands, Steppe Birds and Wine, a four day journey through the various wetlands of the Valencian Region, with Las Salinas and El Hondo being amongst the nature reserves included in the stop-off points along its route.

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