Festival Internacional de Teatre d´Elx

L´Escorxador Curtidores, 23, Elche

PROGRAMA FITELX 2017 Exposición en L´Escorxador. Sala La Nau.  Del 27 de julio al 6 de agosto. Paladio Arte presenta, en el marco de los eventos programados por sus 20 años de andadura, la exposición de fotografía y vídeo “pequeñas alegrías”. Realizados durante el último año por Juan Carlos Gargiulo, estas fotografías y vídeos muestran […]

Padel. FIP Star Gold 26✩ FPCV Tournament. Life Padel Elche

Life Pádel Elche Carrer Petrer, Elx/Elche

FIRST INTERNATIONAL PADEL FIP STAR GOLD 26✩ FPCV TOURNAMENT 4th to 10th November 2019 Place: Life Pádel Elche (C/ Petrer · 03206 Elx-Elche) FIP STAR Gold 26✩ FPCV is the first international Padel Star competition ever organized in Spain. It has the peculiarity of contributing with 40 points for the international FIP-WPT ranking to the […]


Break it Spain. Break Dance Open. Polideportivo El Toscar

BREAK IT SPAIN 2019 - Spain Qualification 21st of December, 2019 - 10.00 a 21.00h El Toscar Sports Hall · Elx-Elche 2vs2 pro OPEN. Spain Qualification for BREAK IT INTERNACIONAL (Arras, Francia) + 2vs2 minikids + 2vs2 kids + 2vs2 junior On Saturday, December 21, a break dance championship will be held at the El […]

White palms Market

White palms Market Trade in blanched palm leaves for the Palm Sunday Procession was documented in an entry in the Town Hall records from 1492 and it has continued to the present day. The blanched palm market is held on the two days prior to the procession.   WHITE PALMS MARKETS 2022 White palms markets […]

Concierto Viernes de Dolores, Basílica de Santa María.

Basílica de Santa María Plaza del Congreso Eucarístico, Elche

El Gloria de Vivaldi (RV 589), protagonista del concierto de Viernes de Dolores del Misteri El próximo día 22 de marzo, a las 21:00, las voces de la Capella, la Escolanía y el Coro Juvenil del Misteri d’Elx, ofrecerán este tradicional concierto en la Basílica de Santa María, con entrada libre hasta completar el aforo. […]


Palm Sunday Procession in Elche

Passeig de l'Estació (Junto al Parque Municipal) Passeig de l'Estació, Elx - Elche, Alicante, España

Palm Sunday Procession. Declared of International Tourist Interest. Holy Week celebrations begin in Elche on Palm Sunday, which was declared a Fiesta of International Tourist Interest in 1997. The day’s main act is the Palm Procession, which in Elche is of special significance due to the large number of blanched palm leaves produced in the […]


The Hallelujah’s Procession in Elche – Easter Sunday

Plaça de Baix Plaça de Baix, 1, Elx

Procesión de las Aleluyas On Easter Sunday or Resurrection Sunday morning, the Procession of the Alleluias takes place. It involves the images of the Resurrected Christ and the city's patroness, the Virgin of the Assumption, carried by the members of various brotherhoods, this time without their hoods. In Elche, this procession has a unique character. […]

Meed Festival 9.0 L’Escorxador CCCE

L´Escorxador Curtidores, 23, Elche

Meed Festival 2024 Lugar L'escorxador Centre de Cultura D'elx Curtidors, 23, 03203 Elche, Alicante, Spain Fecha sáb, 6 jul 2024 18:00 - 03:00 Adri Rizzo, Amir 786, Anelo, Andrea Benavent, Ángela Garlito, Basi Sánchez, Cam Tats, Denite, Fatales, Funknown, Greta Bungle, HORN-E, Irene Fresh, Keyken, Nachoage, PaMarte, Pulcreta, Quetglas, Realmente Bravo, Rugdriguez, Sandra Almarcha, Sandra Pomares, StudioY.08, […]

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